Sunday, February 17, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Americans Still Spurn Electric Vehicles


How many laptop computers sold in 1975, dipshits?

On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 8:39 AM, <> wrote:
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Insider Report from

Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
1. Americans Still Spurn Electric Vehicles
2. Obamacare Survey: Firms Will Drop Health Coverage
3. More Security for John Kerry Than for Benghazi
4. Arctic Ice Hasn't Disappeared as Predicted
5. ADL Leader Thanks Pope Benedict
6. We Heard: Al Sharpton, Sarah Palin, Jake Tapper

1. Americans Still Spurn Electric Vehicles

The Obama administration has set a goal of having 1 million plug-in electric vehicles on the road by 2015, and the government offers a $7,500 tax credit to buyers. But, by and large, Americans still are rejecting electric cars.

Only 9,819 Nissan Leafs were sold in 2012, and sales of Chevrolet's Volt, which has a gas engine that kicks in when the electric charge runs out, barely topped 23,000. Electric vehicle (EV) sales accounted for just 0.1 percent of the market, up only slightly from 0.09 percent in 2011, according to The Fiscal Times.

Nissan is seeking to bolster sales by dropping the Leaf's price by $6,000, and Chevrolet last year cut the Volt's lease rate by $20 per month. Yet the market research firm LMC Automotive predicts that in 10 years, EVs will account for only 1.5 to 2 percent of the market.

A survey by the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs in 21 large cities found that the perceived drawbacks of EVs outweigh their advantages for most respondents. Chief among those drawbacks are the price of the vehicle and the limited range that requires frequent battery recharging.

One Nissan Leaf driver who spoke with The Fiscal Times reported that the car lasted as little as 43 miles on a charge in the winter rather than the promised 73 miles, and recharging the car with a 120-volt charger could take 20 hours.

Another hindrance to sales in cities is that apartment dwellers generally don't have access to a private garage where they can use a home charging station to recharge their EV.

"Federal billions cannot overcome the fact that electric vehicles and plug-in electric hybrids meet few, if any, real consumer needs," The Washington Post observed in an editorial.

"Compared with gas-powered cars, they deliver inferior performance at much higher costs."

Nevertheless, some car manufacturers remain hopeful. Six new EVs were unveiled last year, and this year will see the rollout of Tesla's Model S, a large EV that can travel more than 200 miles on a charge.

The car's price tag after the $7,500 tax credit: $52,400. Federal loan guarantee for Tesla: $465 million.

Editor's Note:

2. Obamacare Survey: Firms Will Drop Health Coverage

One in five companies with fewer than 500 employees say they are "likely" or "very likely" to discontinue company-provided healthcare coverage within five years, a survey reveals.

The reason: The main provisions of Obamacare will be implemented in 2014.

And 43 percent of those companies expect employees to pay a greater share of healthcare costs this year, according to the survey by Mercer, a human resources and financial services consulting firm.

Less than 10 percent of larger companies — with 500 to 4,999 workers — say they'll likely drop coverage in five years, as do about five percent of firms with 5,000 or more employees.

But almost 70 percent of those largest companies, and 60 percent of those with 500 to 4,999 employees, expect workers to pay a larger share of healthcare costs this year.

Nearly 150 million Americans now rely on company-provided healthcare benefits, and the price of those benefits has doubled in the past decade. The average cost to a large company of covering an employee with a family is now $15,745 a year, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

But individuals whose coverage is dropped would pay even more, since they do not receive the same tax breaks as an employer and can't bargain with insurers the way a company can, although some lower-income workers can qualify for subsidies to buy insurance.

Under the Affordable Care Act, employers with more than 50 workers will eventually have to pay a fine of $2,000 for each employee if they don't provide coverage, but many could decide simply to pay the fine rather than pay for employees' coverage, according to The Economist.

So much for President Obama's promise that "if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan."

A 2011 survey by consulting firm McKinsey found that 30 percent of employers would "definitely or probably" drop coverage after 2014.

That prediction was thought to be extreme, but later surveys find that around 10 percent of employers feel that way.

The Mercer survey also found that more than 45 percent of companies with fewer than 500 workers are considering adopting a "defined contribution" healthcare scheme, whereby employees receive a fixed sum to spend on health insurance rather than company-provided coverage.

Defined contribution plans make employers' costs more predictable and employees more conscious of costs. But the danger, The Economist observes, is that employees will "delay seeking essential treatment for fear of the bill," which "could leave companies with a sicker, less productive workforce."

Editor's Note:

3. More Security for John Kerry Than for Benghazi

New Secretary of State John Kerry was protected by more security during a short trip to Virginia than the State Department deployed to protect the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, before last year's Sept. 11 terrorist attack.

On Feb. 4, Kerry's first day as head of the State Department, four Diplomatic Security (DS) agents were on hand when he traveled from Washington, D.C., and arrived in Arlington, Va., in a limousine.

That was one more DS agent than the State Department posted in Benghazi in the days leading up to the attack that took the lives of four American diplomatic personnel.

Ironically, Kerry traveled to Arlington for a meeting at the Bureau of Diplomatic Security's headquarters.

The Bureau is responsible for protecting U.S. diplomatic personnel around the world. It also protects the secretary of state, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and foreign diplomats working in the United States.

A report from the Senate Homeland Security Committee in December noted that embassy officials in Libya had requested a minimum of three DS agents for Benghazi, and that is all they got, CNS News reported.

Yet investigators identified more than a dozen violent events in Benghazi during the six months before the Sept. 11 attack.

On Oct. 2, three weeks after the attacks, Republican Reps. Darrell Issa, chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense, and Foreign Operations, sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stating: "Put together, these events indicated a clear pattern of security threats that could only be reasonably interpreted to justify increased security for U.S. personnel and facilities in Benghazi."

But when U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens traveled from Tripoli to Benghazi on Sept. 10, he brought only two DS agents with him. So the U.S. mission in Benghazi had a total of just five agents when it was attacked by as many as 150 Islamic militants armed with assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, and anti-aircraft machine guns.

None of the agents was killed in the attack, although one was severely wounded.

Editor's Note:

4. Arctic Ice Hasn't Disappeared as Predicted

A leading climate scientist predicted that the Arctic would be ice-free in five years — five years ago.

An article in The Guardian published in August 2008 reported the Professor Wieslaw Maslowski of the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey Calif., and his team produced a forecast "which indicated that by 2013 there will be no ice in the Arctic, other than a few outcrops on islands near Greenland and Canada, between mid-July and mid-September."

Maslowski said: "The crucial point is that ice is clearly not building up enough over winter to restore cover and that when you combine current estimates of ice thickness with the extent of the ice cap, you get a very clear indication that the Arctic is going to be ice-free in summer in five years."

The article also quoted Professor Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University in Britain: "Now the most detailed computer models suggest the Arctic's summer ice is going to last for only a few more years."

Arctic ice did not disappear last summer, however. And the National Snow and Ice Data Center has reported that the "average sea ice extent for January 2013 was 5.32 million square miles."

President Obama showed that he has bought into the global warming hysteria when he declared in his State of the Union address on Tuesday: "For the sake of our children and our future, we must do more to combat climate change."

Respected climate scientist Richard Lindzen, who is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in remarks quoted by the Climate Depot website: "Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early 21st century developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree, and, on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to contemplate a roll-back of the industrial age."

Editor's Note:

5. ADL Leader Thanks Pope Benedict

The Anti-Defamation League's National Director Abraham Foxman has expressed great appreciation for Pope Benedict XVI's support for Jews and Israel following the surprise announcement that the Pope is resigning at the end of the month.

Foxman had five audiences with the Pope during his nearly eight years as pontiff, according to the Jerusalem Post.

He said in a statement issued on Tuesday: "Benedict XVI has profoundly bolstered the positive trajectory of Catholic-Jewish relations launched by his predecessor, Pope John Paul II.

"Benedict, as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, worked closely with John Paul during his 26-year papacy, developing a historic new relationship between Catholic[s] and Jews as 'loving brothers and sisters' after centuries of tragedy.

"In his tenure as Pope, Benedict pledged that he would always stand with the Jewish people against anti-Semitism. He strongly condemned Holocaust denial. He made it a point early in his papacy to visit Israel, going to Yad Vashem and the Western Wall, thus cementing the historic act of his predecessor for future generations and strengthening the relationship between Israel and the Vatican. He became the first pope to visit a synagogue in the United States. And he also visited the synagogue in Rome, institutionalizing these visits.

"Pope Benedict XVI reconfirmed the official Catholic position that God's covenant with the Jewish people at Sinai endures and is irrevocable."

The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism.

Editor's Note:

6. We Heard…

THAT MSNBC talk show host Al Sharpton admits he occasionally does check out conservative media sources — but not before bedtime.

In an interview with Adweek, Sharpton was asked: "Do you ever follow Fox News or conservative outlets to see what's going on with them?"

He responded: "I will sometimes see what they're doing, but not on a daily basis. You don't get a good night's sleep reading right-wing stuff before you go to bed."

THAT Sarah Palin had some fun with a Washington Post blogger who reported that the former Alaska governor was hired to host a news show on the future cable network Al Jazeera America.

The problem with blogger Suzi Parker's story was that its source was a parody from the comedy news site The Daily Currant, which calls itself "the global satirical newspaper of record."

After she used her Twitter account to send a correction, Palin sent this tweet: "I'm having coffee with Elvis this week. He works at the Mocha Moose in Wasilla."

Parker has posted a correction.

THAT Jake Tapper's new CNN show now has a name: "The Lead." The show launches next month at 4 p.m. weekdays and will go head-to-head with "Your World with Neil Cavuto" on Fox News and Martin Bashir's show on MSNBC, TVNewser reports.

Tapper joined CNN last month after nine years with ABC News.

Note: Newsmax magazine is now available on the iPad. Find us in the App Store.

Editor's Note:

Editor's Notes:

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] NPR's failure to give Dr. Loftus her due


Dear Ms. Lawhon,

I tuned into NPR this morning and heard them discuss Dr. Elizabeth Loftus' memory research work. I was pretty surprised when they managed to reach the end of the piece without ever mentioning Dr. Loftus! You can read the transcript of the article and see for yourself:

This is the comment I left, now (and most likely forever) awaiting "moderation":

How did NPR's science writer fail to credit the scientist that did this work, Dr. Elizabeth Loftus? Furthermore, how did He's a doctoral student of psychology Steven Frenda fail to do the same thing? A lapse of memory? Though Marketplace trivialized the subject, at least they managed to talk to Dr. Loftus. Shame to all involved in this broadcast segment.

I'm sure you could find a more tactful way to tell them the same thing. At any rate, it's always a pleasure to be disappeared down the memory hole along with somebody of Dr. Loftus' eminence!


Matt Love

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Bullies, stand down



When I saw the reference to bullies, I thought maybe you were talking about Obama, and perhaps his slimy friend Rahm Emanuel.  Those creeps are no friends of workers, in this or any other country. When are you labor bosses going to figure that out?  You just take money from the rank and file, and you give the money to the owners.

I got on your mailing list because some ernest young man came to the door with a pitch like he was from Occupy. What a scam, he was there to represent the occupiers.  

I had enough of your "representation" when I worked for Washington State Government. You were and are a disgrace, and you aren't going to get one penny of my money now, nor are you going to get my support for your fictitious message about Congress is full of bullies (no doubt of the Republican persuasion) and the executive branch is helmed by a knight in shining armor.

That's boloney - the bosses are all bullies, and that includes the bosses of the unions too.

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Christian Norton, Working America <> wrote:
Working America: Strength in Numbers


Since President Obama's State of the Union address, I've been wondering how the bullies in Congress will react.

Will they continue their reckless agenda to hold our economy hostage to get their way? Or will they focus on real solutions to create jobs and build an economy that works for all?

Now's our time to put the bullies in check. Click here now to call your members of Congress and tell them: protect Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare from benefit cuts; close loopholes for Wall Street and the richest 2% of Americans; and repeal the across-the-board cuts that could tank the economy.

Whatever happens, I know one thing: It's not going to be Obama's speech that forces the bullies in Congress to stand down. It's going to be what you do, Matt, to make your voice heard.

For far too long, they've drowned out the voices of working people to push their dangerous agenda of painful cuts to things like health care for our kids and retirement security for our seniors, so they can lavish tax giveaways on their rich corporate donors. The result of this Wall Street agenda is clear—inadequate job growth, wage stagnation and growing inequality.

We cannot allow right-wing extremists in Congress to take our economy hostage again.

Call your members of Congress now and tell them you're standing up to the bullies:

Make your call now.

In Solidarity,

Christian Norton
Working America

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Copyright © 2012 WORKING AMERICA

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Last night's speech made me cry


I'm glad to know that Obama makes you cry, too. He sure makes me cry.  When I think of what that slick, vapid empty suit is doing to the American patriot and hero, Bradley Manning, I weep:

When I think about how he uses the death of one American teenager for political advantage, but ordered the death of another American teenager for cynical, short-term geopolitical advantage, I weep:

When I hear him bleet on and on about the middle class, but never a word for the poor, I weep:

When I think about how  people you pretended to oppose his policies back when he was called George W. Bush, I weep.

Any questions?

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 11:19 AM, Garlin Gilchrist II, Civic Action <> wrote:
The families of gun victims like Hadiya Pendleton, the Chicago 15-year-old killed just days after performing at the inauguration, deserve at minimum a clear up-or-down vote on real legislation to end gun violence. Can you chip in $5 to help make it happen? 

Chip in $5

Dear MoveOn member,

If you watched last night's State of the Union Address, then you witnessed one of the most heart-wrenching moments I've ever seen in a speech like that.

Sitting next to the First Lady as President Obama called for action on gun violence were the parents of Hadiya Pendleton, the Chicago 15-year-old who was shot dead just days after performing at President Obama's inauguration.

Nearby was Gabrielle Giffords, the former congresswoman shot in Tucson, Arizona, in 2011. In fact, the gallery was filled with the parents and family members of people killed by guns invited as guests by members of Congress. 

And as President Obama repeated that they, as well as the families of Newtown, Aurora, Oak Creek, and Blackburg, deserve a vote—honestly I was moved to tears. And I know I wasn't the only one.

If there was ever a moment for all of us to step up and do what we can to end gun violence, this is it. Please chip in $5 to help MoveOn members fight to make sure these families get the up-or-down vote they deserve.

Click here to chip in $5 to help support MoveOn members' campaigns to end gun violence.

So far, MoveOn members like you have stepped up in an unprecedented way to make sure we can fight for new gun violence prevention policies. But here's what we're up against: 23% of gun rights supporters have given money to the NRA or a similar organization, but only 5% of gun control advocates have donated before.3 That means even if we never give up, we may just get out-spent.

That's why it's critical that we keep funding the thousands of MoveOn members who have started campaigns in the last two months, and spread our ads to an even broader audience. If we can raise $250,000 in the next 24 hours, we'll be able to:

  • Challenge the NRA head on in important newspapers, high-traffic web sites, and on the airwaves in critical states with a brand-new ad we're rolling out later this week.
  • Turn the 750,000 signatures we collected into real pressure on members of Congress by supporting extra high-profile events and follow-up organizing in key districts.
  • Mobilize over 150 Community Committees Against Gun Violence the moment a piece of legislation is introduced.

We just released an exposé on the NRA's shady lobbying tactics yesterday, and next week we'll be hosting grassroots actions at congressional district offices across the country. But the NRA is counting on us to stop paying attention or to give up. And not only do they think they'll prevent any reform, they've got a "strong agenda" full of even more devastating laws.

Can you help us raise $250,000 in the next 24 hours to fight back?

Yes, I'll chip in $5 to help support the campaign to end gun violence.

Thanks for all you do.

–Garlin, Mark, Amy, Manny, and the rest of the team


1. "NRA Dismisses 'Connecticut Effect,' Suggests Grief Over Newtown Tragedy Will Be Short-Lived" ThinkProgress, February 11, 2013

2. "How Many People Have Been Killed By Guns Since Newtown?" Slate, February 13, 2013

3. "Americans Back Obama's Gun Control Plan But That's Not Enough," New Republic, January 16, 2013


Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 7 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

This email was sent to Matt Love on February 13, 2013. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: [LIVE] #BarackTalk: Hip-Hop, Politics, and Culture


thanks for the tipoff. I want to know why his administration is full of criminals that inflict violence and crime on the world, here's the latest example, just read this today:

and then of course aside from criminal an murderous sanctions, there are more direct ways of killing people with drones.

How let's talk about that, Biko?

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Biko, League of Young Voters Education Fund <> wrote:

Matt, Today is the president's State of the Union, but we're not here to talk about the president. The State of the Union shouldn't be about what our government says to us - it should be about what we say to our government. 

During the next 12 hours, thousands will speak truth to power via the largest livestreaming State of the Union discussion in the country.

Make history on today.

Join the conversation on the issues that are affecting your community - from gun violence to unemployment to immigration - that the president needs to address. This is your chance to speak up and be heard.

Share your ideas by using the hashtag #BarackTalk.

Our work to change the conversation is working. Last week, along with Black Youth Project, we created a petition for President Obama to address the epidemic of gun violence in Chicago. With more than 45,000 signatures of support, the president will be on his way to Chicago on Friday.

We can use the power of the internet to amplify our voices and mobilize our elected officials to work for us.  

Share this #BarackTalk pic on Facebook to spread the word. 

See you at #BarackTalk,


League of Young Voters Education Fund

P.S. Huge shout out to some of our amazing partner organizations: Sierra Student Coalition, Campaign For Youth Justice, Energy Action Coalition, United States Student Association, Opportunity Nation, Rock the Vote, Our Time, Generational Alliance, Voto Latino, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and many more.

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Deeply unjust


too bad Gates and Jobs didn't end up behind bars. the pirates of silicon valley indeed.

On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman <> wrote:

Below is an email from Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman, who worked with the organization Demand Progress to create a petition on, the nonprofit site that allows anyone to start their own online petition. If you have concerns or feedback about this petition, click here.

Sign the petition

Dear Friend,

Will the next big innovator, like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, end up in prison or worse? It's a big question Congress is debating right now.

My partner, Aaron Swartz, was accused of checking out too many articles (4.8 million), too fast, from an online academic library called JSTOR, to which he had authorized access. He never used or distributed the articles and later returned them. For that, he faced 35 years behind bars and endured two years of relentless persecution.

On January 11, 2013, facing decades in prison on trumped-up charges, Aaron made the tragic choice to take his own life. He was only 26.

The outdated Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), which Congress is debating right now, made this tragedy possible. The law gives absurdly broad powers to corporations and prosecutors to criminalize an array of online activity. That includes breaching a website's terms of service—that long fine print you "agree to" but never read.

All of us who knew and loved Aaron never want to see anyone suffer this kind of abuse of power again. So, we're urgently calling on Congress to reform the CFAA.

Please sign our petition on urging Congress to rein in overzealous prosecution and stop criminalizing the internet. Then, pass it on to your friends.

Aaron was an innovator, entrepreneur, and social justice advocate who co-authored RSS 1.0 (the web's format for sharing and distributing content) at the age of 14, co-founded the social news website Reddit, and led the fight to stop SOPA and PIPA—the Internet censorship bills.

His fight to stop SOPA and PIPA started with a petition just like this one, so we know this can work. In fact, there's already been a strong, bipartisan reaction to Aaron's death and legislation is in the works to reform the CFAA right now. But it won't happen without a big public push.

We can't get Aaron back, but can you help us honor his memory and stop future abuses of power by signing this petition and sharing it with everyone you know?

The petition I created on to Congress says:

Reform the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to remove the dangerously broad criminalization of online activity and protect us all from the abuse of corporate and prosecutorial power.

Click here to add your name to the petition, and then pass it along to your friends.

Thank you for listening.

–Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman

This petition was created on, the progressive, nonprofit petition site. is sponsored by MoveOn Civic Action, which is not responsible for the contents of this or other petitions posted on the site. Demand Progress didn't pay us to send this email—we never rent or sell the list.

Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 7 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

This email was sent to Matt Love on February 7, 2013. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Our big plan for 2013


way to go, assholes. You've helped elect a president twice. a president who has shoved the country to the right and consistently worked against progressive causes. and you're still backing mr george w obama.

nice job.  You won't get a penny from me. I will continue to oppose you at every turn until you start supporting progressive issues, and not supporting the enemies of progress, the tools of the oligarchy.

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 4:29 PM, Joan Blades and Wes Boyd, Civic Action <> wrote:

MoveOn's new Million Leaders strategy is how progressives will win in 2013. More ideas, more leaders, and more wins. Do you have an idea for a campaign you'd like to run or join? Click here to find a campaign near you, or start one yourself!

Get started!
Dear MoveOn member,

Fifteen years ago, we were working on educational software. We weren't activists.

But six months into the media circus around the impeachment of Bill Clinton, we'd had enough with the polarizing game playing. We wrote a one-sentence common-sense plea for our leaders to "censure and Move On to pressing issues facing the country" and emailed it to fewer than 100 friends and family. The response knocked us off our feet. Within days, hundreds of thousands of people had signed on. That was the catalyst that launched 

Now, because of you, MoveOn members are a powerful force for change in this country. We're seven million strong—and growing every day. Together, we've helped elect a president, twice. We've shown that small-dollar contributions from everyday people can overcome billionaire-funded super PACs. We helped win health care reform and an end to the war in Iraq.

But we know there's so much work to be done. Debates over immigration. Climate change. Gun violence. Corporate control of our democracy. 

Taking advantage of this moment in history demands creativity and leadership from every corner of the country, at a scale we've never seen before. We need to make change happen at every level—from Ypsilanti to Washington. That's why today, we're excited to announce the launch of MoveOn's Million Leaders strategy.

In short, our strategy is to unleash a wave of previously-untapped people-power as MoveOn members across the country step up as the leaders of their own campaigns for social change, supported by the rest of MoveOn's membership.

We need to be fighting on more fronts, with more people leading, and breakthroughs at every level. That's how we'll win in 2013. There's no stopping what we can do together when progressives like you are backed up by MoveOn's collective people power, campaign savvy, and toolset—that's what the Million Leaders strategy is all about.

MoveOn members are already off and running. Will you join their efforts—then consider starting your own campaign?

Here are 3 campaigns that MoveOn members
are leading right now—click to get involved

Congress Must Extend the Violence Against Women Act

Urge Macy's To Dump Donald Trump

No Social Security Cuts

Or, consider starting your own campaign! 

 Click here to start your own campaign at

The Million Leaders strategy is a reflection of the moment we're living in, and a reinvestment in how MoveOn began 15 years ago. Every day, new leaders are stepping up in that tradition. 

Like Gene and Sandy in Madison, WI. After Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed legislation making voting harder for college students, poor people, seniors, and African Americans, MoveOn members Gene and Sandy Lundergan started a petition on MoveOn's petition site,, urging the University of Wisconsin chancellor to issue students ID cards that would comply with the new law and help students vote. Nearly 9,000 people signed the petition, and after teaming up with campus groups like the Young Progressives, they won, convincing the university to issue the new student voter IDs!1

And like Lori Haas in Richmond, VA. In the wake of the Newtown massacre, Lori started a petition on which drew in tens of thousands of supporters. MoveOn amplified Lori's call for vigils around the country—and more than 300 events came together overnight. Lori and thousands of other dedicated leaders are now running campaigns on gun violence prevention targeting Congress, Walmart, city councils, governors, and more—with resources and strategic support from MoveOn.

Fifteen years ago, we had no idea that what we were doing would be a game changer. Now, we have no doubt that MoveOn members will win game-changing victories this year. We're so proud of everything you have accomplished—and everything you will accomplish—together, for our country!

Thanks for all you do.

–Joan Blades and Wes Boyd
MoveOn founders

P.S. Meet Anna Galland, MoveOn's new Executive Director, and hear Robert Reich, Van Jones, and Katrina Vanden Heuvel talk more about the Million Leaders strategy. Watch and share this short video:


1. "Free voter IDs available to UW-Madison students," University of Wisconsin-Madison News, January 20, 2012

Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 7 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

This email was sent to Matt Love on February 5, 2013. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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