Sunday, June 9, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Son of Effacing myself on Facebook


Another one of my Facebook comments that went without remark by my 700 odd "friends."  Too bad, it could have been an interesting discussion.

Matt Love shared a link.
Reminds me of my stint as a lefty writer in Olympia. They are doing exactly the right thing. Never apologize for doing the right thing.
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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Erasing my facebook identity...


An interesting addendum to my comment the other day:

According to, a website which tracks changes to online articles, at 3:34 p.m. ET the editorial damned the Obama administration generally and by 7:09 p.m. ET it had been edited to damn the Obama administration more narrowly over its collection of call data.

NewsDiffs also showed that several other modifications had been made to the editorial, but none as significant as  its change to the originally broad condemnation of the Obama administration.

Read more:

On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 8:02 AM, matt love <> wrote:
one day at a time, starting from present, moving backwards in time... the most recent (and it ws a good one, that's why I"m sharing with you here now):

Wow, Obama has "lost all credibility" with the editorial board of the New York Times ("on this issue" - I'm sure they totally trust him on every other issue) . ( When was the moment he lost all credibility with you? I knew we were in for heavy weather when he stepped into office in the middle of a depression, and threw himself the biggest party any incoming president ever had - I saw this is a man who cannot keep his ego in check. I think giving away health care reform to the monied interests was what drove the final nail in the coffin for me. It's been painful to live with the adoration people have for this man - it's been like the second coming of Reagan (the recent president Obama admires the most). I hope that at last people will stop saying "thank you sir, may I have more?" every time Obama kicks them. But that's probably hoping for too much.
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Saturday, June 8, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Facebook self-effacement - pt 2


Almost impossible to believe nobody had anythng to say about Jonathan Richman. Maybe everybody was too jealous comment, and nobody liked that I was going and they weren't.

Very excited, going to see Jonathan Richman tonight
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Hey"Its really hot here. Jonathan came out and opened some doors. Now he's just wandering from table to table, talking to people. He just said "hey" to me. Cool!
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Friday, June 7, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Erasing my facebook identity...


one day at a time, starting from present, moving backwards in time... the most recent (and it ws a good one, that's why I"m sharing with you here now):

Wow, Obama has "lost all credibility" with the editorial board of the New York Times ("on this issue" - I'm sure they totally trust him on every other issue) . ( When was the moment he lost all credibility with you? I knew we were in for heavy weather when he stepped into office in the middle of a depression, and threw himself the biggest party any incoming president ever had - I saw this is a man who cannot keep his ego in check. I think giving away health care reform to the monied interests was what drove the final nail in the coffin for me. It's been painful to live with the adoration people have for this man - it's been like the second coming of Reagan (the recent president Obama admires the most). I hope that at last people will stop saying "thank you sir, may I have more?" every time Obama kicks them. But that's probably hoping for too much.
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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Getting to know you, getting to know all about you


Thanks to facebook, and bing translation, I meet people from all over the world, and get to know about their lives and inner thoughts. 

For example:

Zaii Ziza commented on her own photo.

ต้องเข้มแข็ง _//_ ไม่ว่า วันนี้ เราจะเจอ ปัญหามากมาย เพียงใด
ต้องยิ้มเข้าไว้ ^^ ♥♥
_ _//Must be strong, no matter how today we will meet. Many problems just need to smile to ^^ &hearts;&hearts; (Translated by Bing)
— at เซเว่น.
ต้องเข้มแข็ง _//_  ไม่ว่า วันนี้ เราจะเจอ ปัญหามากมาย เพียงใด           ต้องยิ้มเข้าไว้ ^^ <3<3
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Saturday, June 1, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] A question about a prize


Hi Meera,

I'm digging deeper and deeper into my address book to try to get an answer to a question I have about a prize.  I saw that you had written me a while back from Talenthouse, so I thought I might give you a try to see if you can take a hand in setting something right for me, or at least investigating the situation.

I previously asked Derek, who has always been really helpful and prompt, to look into this for me, but this time, I wonder if he might have let me down, since I've had no reply.

I then asked Danielle, who wrote to me about another matter, but she seemed friendly, and I thought she might be able to help, but as yet I have no reply from her either.

The same story with Jo, she seemed very nice, but I haven't heard back from her either. 

So here, is my situation; as you might know, I was thrilled to be the people's choice winner for this contest:

I was all about the honor, but then i noticed that there are supposed to be actual prizes associated with this achievement:

People's Choice

    Digital release on Dubstep Division Recordings
    £40 voucher for the Loopmasters online shop

I waited a while, but didn't hear from Mr. Goliath, so I attempted to contact him through his website and ask him when the prizes will be awarded. So far I've heard no response from him.

Now, I don't know if he ever drops by your offices, or maybe you go out to clubs where he's djing or playing or whatever those dubstep guys do, but if you happen to see him any time soon, please let him know that while I can really use those products from his online shop, I'm most excited about the release on the Dubstep Division Recordings. i am also aware that however popular my conception of Dubstep might be with the public at large, I recognize that my mix was very rough, and might not be up to his professional standards. If you see him, will you let him know that I am willing to rework this material as many times as necessary to bring it up to the standards of his company?

Thank you very much,

Matt Love
Mr. Worldwide People's Choice Award Winner!

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Monsanto's latest outrage


Do MoveOn people know how much your buddy Obama likes to put Monsanto people in the FDA?

On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 4:35 PM, Anna Galland, Civic Action <> wrote:
Hi—wow! We blew past our initial goal to support campaigns taking on Monsanto around the country, which means that we'll be able to help hundreds of MoveOn members stand up to the corporate giant. But with the farm bill, and its Monsanto-sponsored amendments, coming to a vote next week, now is the time to make this campaign even bigger. If we can raise $100,000 today, we'll be able to launch a creative media campaign to expose Monsanto's true face. Can you pitch in $5 to help make this happen? 

Monsanto may have finally gone too far. Progressives in Congress are fighting to repeal the infamous "Monsanto Protection Act" and block Monsanto's attacks on state GMO labeling laws, and MoveOn members are leading the grassroots backlash. Can you chip in $5 to help stand up to Monsanto? 

Chip in $5

Dear MoveOn member, 

Is there a company in the world more evil than Monsanto? I don't think so.

Last year, Monsanto spent nearly $6 million on lobbying, and their payoff was the "Monsanto Protection Act," which was written anonymously, passed in secret, and allows Monsanto to keep selling genetically engineered seeds even if a federal court says they may pose a health risk.1

Now, Monsanto has sneaked an amendment into the farm bill that would block GMO labeling laws moving forward in states like Vermont and Connecticut.2

This time, Monsanto may have gone too far. A massive backlash is growing against the Monsanto Protection Act, and Senator Jeff Merkley is demanding a floor vote to repeal it.

We can beat Monsanto, but we don't have much time to get organized, because the farm bill has already passed the House and is being debated in the Senate right now. Can you chip in $5 to help MoveOn members fight back against Monsanto?

Yes, I want to pitch in $5 to help fight back against Monsanto.

We know that we'll never be able to outspend Monsanto, but with your help we can out-organize them with smart, well-timed, targeted campaigning. Together, we can take on Monsanto by:

  • Supporting campaigns all over the country led by MoveOn members targeting their members of Congress, asking them to stand up to Monsanto's influence.
  • Providing financial support for flyers, rallies, transportation and the other crucial nuts and bolts necessary to run a strong campaign.
  • Calling out key members of Congress who are supporting Monsanto over the public interest and making sure the public knows whose side they're on

MoveOn leaders around the country are eager to push forward, but they need your help: If we can raise $150,000 in the next two days, we can help kick-start these campaigns immediately.

Last year, Monsanto's $6 million investment bought them several favorable pieces of legislation. But right now, your investment of $5 can help launch a nationwide movement to make sure that our democracy isn't auctioned off to the highest bidder.

Click here to contribute $5 to support the campaign against Monsanto.

Thanks for all you do.

Anna, Wes, Linda, Mariana, and the rest of the team


1. "Lobbying Spending Database—Monsanto Co, 2013,", accessed May 21, 2013

"How the Monsanto Protection Act snuck into law," Salon, March 27, 2013

2. "'Monsanto Protection Act 2.0′ Would Ban GMO-Labeling Laws At State Level," International Business Times, May 20, 2013


Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

This email was sent to Matt Love on May 30, 2013. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here. 

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.

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