Monsanto may have finally gone too far. Progressives in Congress are fighting to repeal the infamous "Monsanto Protection Act" and block Monsanto's attacks on state GMO labeling laws, and MoveOn members are leading the grassroots backlash. Can you chip in $5 to help stand up to Monsanto?
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Dear MoveOn member,
Is there a company in the world more evil than Monsanto? I don't think so.
Last year, Monsanto spent nearly $6 million on lobbying, and their payoff was the "Monsanto Protection Act," which was written anonymously, passed in secret, and allows Monsanto to keep selling genetically engineered seeds even if a federal court says they may pose a health risk.1
Now, Monsanto has sneaked an amendment into the farm bill that would block GMO labeling laws moving forward in states like Vermont and Connecticut.2
This time, Monsanto may have gone too far. A massive backlash is growing against the Monsanto Protection Act, and Senator Jeff Merkley is demanding a floor vote to repeal it.
We can beat Monsanto, but we don't have much time to get organized, because the farm bill has already passed the House and is being debated in the Senate right now. Can you chip in $5 to help MoveOn members fight back against Monsanto?
Yes, I want to pitch in $5 to help fight back against Monsanto.
We know that we'll never be able to outspend Monsanto, but with your help we can out-organize them with smart, well-timed, targeted campaigning. Together, we can take on Monsanto by:
- Supporting campaigns all over the country led by MoveOn members targeting their members of Congress, asking them to stand up to Monsanto's influence.
- Providing financial support for flyers, rallies, transportation and the other crucial nuts and bolts necessary to run a strong campaign.
- Calling out key members of Congress who are supporting Monsanto over the public interest and making sure the public knows whose side they're on
MoveOn leaders around the country are eager to push forward, but they need your help: If we can raise $150,000 in the next two days, we can help kick-start these campaigns immediately.
Last year, Monsanto's $6 million investment bought them several favorable pieces of legislation. But right now, your investment of $5 can help launch a nationwide movement to make sure that our democracy isn't auctioned off to the highest bidder.
Click here to contribute $5 to support the campaign against Monsanto.
Thanks for all you do.
–Anna, Wes, Linda, Mariana, and the rest of the team
1. "Lobbying Spending Database—Monsanto Co, 2013,", accessed May 21, 2013