Saturday, June 22, 2013



excellent, I'll call first thing in the morning.

thank you for your heads up, and reassurances

On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 9:43 PM, FIRST BANK OF NIGERIA PLC <> wrote:
Tel: +234-8121829886.

My Dear Beloved Friend,

Please for your information this institution as a bank have no intention to confiscate your funds,we only urgently required you to activate your dormant automated transit account with us to enable you have the instant access of accessing and making transfer of your funds into any account of your choice with 2 - 3hrs of the activation.

Please note that our annual audit will commence immediately after this week of June 2013, so we therefore urgently advise you to comply with the payment of the required activation fee in other to avoid any extension of your payment funds to next quarters.

You are advice to send $100 through our Account Officer Mr.Nwanna Peter Address Lagos Nigeria through Western union money transfer  with the below information, as soon as we receive payment information from you,your domiciliary Account will be Activated immediately and we start making payment to your account according to your request.


Yours in service,

Rev: Dr.David Chukwu.
Tel: +234-8121829886.

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Greatness at Evergreen


Now they're getting delusions of grandeur

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From: Evergreen Annual Fund <>
Date: Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 9:00 AM
Subject: Greatness at Evergreen

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Celi talks about her Evergreen experience
Celi Tamayo-Lee
Celi Tamayo-Lee graduated last week. Her graduation was the culmination of a noteworthy Evergreen experience. We wanted to share her words describing how Evergreen has had an impact on her life and learning.
Celi designed an intense curriculum for herself of full-time programs in Political Economy and Media studies; she was an active member of the Asian Pacific Islander Coalition student group, a performer in the annual production of the Vagina Monologues, and could often be seen leading campus tours for prospective students and their families.
With the support of her learning community Celi achieved greatness at Evergreen.
She inspires those she meets with her intelligence, enthusiasm and energy.  She's also a First People's Scholarship recipient, funded by the Evergreen Annual Fund.
Help us raise $30,000 by June 28th for incoming students this fall and give the next generation of Greeners the tools and support they need to achieve greatness, too!
The Evergreen Annual Fund
2700 Evergreen Parkway NW, Olympia, WA 98505
(360) 867-6569

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I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: From Mrs Pauline Farrar


Dear Mrs Pauline Farrar

This is  exceptionally good news. I need $15.5 million to launch my career as "Matt Love, International Pop Sensation"

a fellow in Europe is poised to head up my international street team. All I need is $15.5 million to step it up into high gear. 

I'm so glad to know you have it for me. 

Please send it to me right away!

Matt Love

PS. Do you like singing robots?  If so, I think you will really enjoy this:
On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Mrs Pauline Farrar <> wrote:
Dear Customer,
This email is coming to you as a reminder concerning your pending package that has been with us for a long time.  As you already know that this package is containing an AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINE CARD (ATM CARD) in your name and in the amount of $15.5 million USD.

United Parcel Service (UPS) wish to let you know that our delivery team has finally carried out delivery of your package though having problems with your availability on pickup which we assume that the address is not correct. The package was shipped from Nigeria and since on the 01/31/2013 it has been on transit awaiting clearance of location.

To track your package, go to and insert the tracking number below to view delivery status.


On the tracking page you will see that this package has been in our route for six months which led to our contacting you for proper identification of your address. This is because you have refused to give us your cooperation.

You are hereby advice to provide us with the below details so we can immediately have it sent out to our delivery Personnel to complete your delivery to the current address you may provide now.


Upon receiving your correct details, we will immediately notify our regional depot and the  Airport Authorities so that the package will be redirected to your correct address immediately.

This is important and as such your immediate response will do you good. 
Mrs. Pauline Farrar.
(c)UPS Online Management Team.
All rights reserved.
(c) 1995-2012

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] "Do you ever read any of the books you weed?"


Do they ever tell you in school how often this sort of thing happens to librarians?

I saw it happen more than once (and worse) as a civil servant, more reasons why I never completed your program.

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Saturday, June 15, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: Do Something Useful


Gotta love Bob, he keeps fondling that chicken. He must have a lot of stock in Apple or something, he can't miss a chance to repeat the myths about them, and sing their praises every chance he gets. I remember my visit to the Apple store, and dealing with their customer service "geniuses" - it was like going to a Chuck E. Cheeses, just pandemonium, and the customer service people are a bunch of drooling idiots (and this was while the Great Dictator was still alive). I'm typing this now on my overpriced Mac. It's just like with my phone, there are things I have to put off doing until I can get on a real computer.  

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bob Lefsetz <>
Date: Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 6:54 PM
Subject: Do Something Useful

It's a beautiful, sunny, Southern California Saturday and I'm killing time reading magazines before I up and go to parties.

Yup, that's why the summer is better than the winter, the extracurricular activities. First we're stopping by at a Middlebury event, and if there's time left thereafter, we're going to Kevin Weaver's house for an Atlantic Records soiree, where they're serving Umami Burgers...mmm, that's worth the trip, don't you think?

As for the Middlebury's my first in decades, but they tracked me down after I was featured in the "Magazine," so I'm gonna go. But funny thing about the article...I thought it would mean more to me, all these years later, to get a write-up in the publication of my alma mater, but if you're fighting old battles in your head, if you think connecting with a long lost love will make your life complete, it's evidence you're not living in the present, which I finally am, to my great wonderment and surprise.

Anyway, I want to clear the decks so I can get back to my book, Elizabeth Strout's "The Burgess Boys." It didn't get such hot reviews, it hasn't caught fire, but it's ringing my bell, the way it's so intimate, it doesn't seem to be written for the reader, it's like you're eavesdropping on a conversation, and in a world where it's all about the whizz-bang, to focus on the little, the irrelevant to most, is so satisfying.

I'm back on a book kick. I'm burned out on the lousy writing in magazines and newspapers. And Amazon replaced my four year old Kindle with a new Paperwhite, oh I had to pay fifty bucks, but it was a thrill after being on hold and wasting two hours with nitwits in their customer service department. It's not like Apple, the people are not comprehensible and they're just this side of useless, and the imperfect, it's got glowing hot spots at the bottom, everybody complains about them online, but I'm doing my best to overlook them.

So I read Meg Wolitzer's "The Interestings." Long on plot, a bit short on insight, it's still the Franzen novel for those who hate his work. And if you ever went to summer camp... I got hooked on these looking back books with Sara Davidson's "Loose Change" in the seventies, I like them. And then I read Claire Messud's "The Woman Upstairs," which the intelligentsia raved about, despite tepid reviews upon release, and I was expecting a dry tome, but it opens so vividly, so realistically, that I was hooked. And the protagonist went to Middlebury! Not that that's relevant. And I had to look up words constantly. And the plot petered out. But there was so much insight! We're all so lonely, looking for fulfillment. And are those who do the right thing consigned to a life of quiet desperation? Read it and tell me!

And I can't tell you how many lousy articles I skimmed, until I found a good one in "Vanity Fair" excerpt from Ava Gardner's memoir. The real story about her relationships with Mickey Rooney and Frank Sinatra and Artie Shaw. It's almost worth the price of the magazine. But the article I saved, the best for last, just like Vanessa Williams sang, was the one on Mary McCarthy and her book "The Group."

I read it. The book. The article I had to skim, it was nearly pointless. Except something stood out. THE SALES FIGURES!

"The Group," which was released in August 1963, had a first printing of 75,000. Stores were ordering 5,000 a day thereafter. By the close of 1964, nearly 300,000 copies had been sold.

Like a record.

Yes, books were supplanted by records. You wanted to write the Great American Novel and then you wanted to record the Great American Album. And writers and musicians still believe we're living in yesteryear, but nothing could be further from the truth.

In other words, if I'm exposed to any more of the Kanye hype, I'm gonna explode. Because I just don't CARE!

That's the difference, that's what the Internet has wrought. Instead of the populace being hyper-focused on what's hyped, most of us can quite easily avoid it, we're deep into our own niches. The number one record? MOST PEOPLE HAVEN'T EVEN HEARD IT!

But we all know Google, we all know Facebook, we all know iPhone.

So having flipped through "Vanity Fair," I picked up "Outside," and started reading from the back, which is what I usually do, the front is too scary, I've got to ease into my reading. And it was there that I was confronted with a story on Joel Gratz. Of OpenSnow. Or should I say, the go-to precipitation/powder website.


Believe me, if you're a skier, you know Open Snow, you know Joel Gratz, he's the one who every day, sometimes twice a day, tells you how much snow you're gonna get at your ski area. Which is devilishly important now that global warming seems to have stopped winter precipitation, this season was better than last, but 2011-12 was the worst on record in Vail.

How did I find out about OpenSnow?


We all talk, we all communicate, I was just about to text Andy about this article, even though he's in Colorado right now, just flew in from his home base of NYC. Yes, today our closest friends don't live in the neighborhood, but the virtual village online. I connect with Jake and Marc and Richard more than I do with the people who live in my town, even though they live in Toronto, New Jersey and London respectively.

Joel Gratz gave up his dream, of weather-forecasting. He tried to go straight, getting his Master's, an MBA and a cubicle gig. But he couldn't give up on weather. That's how you know you're a lifer, when you can't give up. Gratz quit his job and started his site.

And word spread.

Because we need to know.

I hate Accuweather, my old go-to weather provider.  Because it's not LOCALIZED enough! What they say is Vail is miles away and thousands of feet lower than the ski area, and this makes a huge difference. Hell, it can be snowing atop a peak and bright sunshine a mile from the base.

So Joel showed his work to Chris Davenport, famous Aspenite, famous extreme skier, and word started to spread, because we need the information. Not that OpenSnow scales, I mean Gratz has widened his world to New England and the west coast, but most people just don't care about snowfall, they'd rather it NEVER happens.

But we do. Enough of us to keep Joel in business. He's now running a freemium model. Yup, you can pay more for more, like videos and other chozzerai. And there are people who are just that interested.

So, there's a business in niches. Maybe your music doesn't scale to everybody.

But what's weird is no music scales to everybody today. There's no hit everybody knows, no show everybody's got to go to.

But we all know the aforementioned Google, Facebook and iPhone. And we know Amazon too.

And it's all because they're useful, they provide a service.

That's the modern model, that's what's hip today.

Sure, write your book, make your music, but know the heyday of those creations is past. Could come back, then again, there was only one Renaissance. Oh, people have been painting ever since, it's just that painting...doesn't drive the culture.

But no one in book publishing or the music industry will admit the foregoing. They believe it's the same as it ever was. But it's not. The nitwits might go on TV talent shows, but the educated want nothing to do with the so-called arts, they're all into tech, and tech is about being useful, because useful SCALES!

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Monday, June 10, 2013

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] More pearls before the Facebook swine....


[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Oops


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