Sunday, October 14, 2012

Making Movies with the EP's!

After becoming a fan of the EPs, and collaborating with them long distance, it was such a thrill to meet them in person, and to have the opportunity to play a role in their 4th movie - I was excited and apprehensive. It was everything I hoped it would be, a total riot! On the cab ride over to Daniel's (Plastic EPs) place, I mulled over ideas for my part which was going to be improvised. However, soon after I got there, I realized there was no need, Plastic EP had it all figured out what he wanted. I once heard the saying, "It's Frank Sinatra's world, we only live here,"  but after my encounter, I'm convinced that is wrong. If it was ever Frank's world, that era has passed, it's now Plastic EP's world, and we're all the better off for it.

When I stepped out of the cab, Plastic EP was there to meet me - , loud and exuberant, full of all sorts of your standard Aussie boilerplate - "good on you, mate" and the like. I love it when Australians talk like Australians!

Plastic EP's rare autographed photo of the Monkees

How many movies can boast props like the extremely rare 1964 first issue of the Dell Beatles comic book?

An artistic shot of the EP's bass player, and dynamic front man.

How about that?  I'm almost an honorary member! Thank you Vicky for taking the picture! You should be in it. I'm not worthy!
Immediately after I met Vicky, a very sweet and pleasant person; you wouldn't know under the demure exterior lurks the EP's powerhouse drummer, and acting talent that can cover a range from cool femme fatale to dynamic action character.  She offered coffee and sweets, then disappeared until filming started.
Plastic EP and I talked and reviewed the movie project to date while waiting for Wally to show up.  He was everything I could have hoped for, too, open and friendly, capable of holding up his end of a conversation on many topics, a fan of B movies, rock music travia, history buff in a US civil war cap.  
After a bit of briefing, filming began. It was surprisingly low-key; Plastic EP would set the scene, and then we'd just kind of jump in, Wally, Plastic EP and myself, while Vicky held the camera, which was actually an iPhone. I can't get used to what can be done with technology these days!
Plastic EP drove us to ever more creative heights of thespianism with his enthusiastic direction.  I rhink he
 was pleased with my work, but much more pleased that I had the opportunity to experience this special experience.  "Is your mind totally blown by this" he'd ask me several times during the day.  He let me know that my status of being accepted into "the inner circle" of the EPs universe made me pretty much a unique person, and I felt suitably honored.
After filming they took me out for the best pizza I've had in I don't know how long, and then to a music store, and then to a CD store.  Then they dropped me off back at the hotel, where I had a chance to reflect on the whirlwind experience. I would have wondered if it had really happened, and if it was all a dream, had I not had wonderful gifts from the EP's, and the scenes were not up on YouTube in a lengthy preview that Plastic EP prepared! Of course you will want to watch the entire thing, but FYI, my scenes start at about 25:30...


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